
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Most amazing pictures found in the world

Grenada's underwater park.
Underwater Sculpture Park, Grenada
Photo – Jason deCaires Taylor
The overgrown and tranquil statues of an underwater sculpture park in Grenada found in the West Indies.

Translucent Goby Fish, Egypt

Translucent Goby Fish
Photo – Tobias Friedrich
Two tiny gobies, neither of which is any bigger than an inch in the water near Marsa Alam, Egypt

Sea Pens, New Zealand

Sea Pens, New Zealand
Photo – Brian Skerry
Usually found deep in the abyss, these soft corals known as sea pens were photographed, along with a blue cod, in the shallow water of Long Sound Reserve off the coast of New Zealand. The darkness is actually due to tannin in the water blocking out sunlight.

Sea Stars, British Columbia

Purple Sea Stars, British Columbia
Photo – Thomas P. Peschak
Purple sea stars and bright green eel grass are a common sight in the waters off the coast of British Columbia.

Green Anemone, Vancouver Island

Green Anemone, Vancouver Island
Photo – Jens Troeger
Diving Brown Passage, just off the coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, is home to an amazing abundance of life residing beneath the choppy waves of the Northern Pacific, one species of which would include this green anemone.

weirdest animals found in the world

these are just some of the world's most weirdest animals.

5 of the world's most dangerous animals

1. The Mosquito.
 As small as the mosquito may seem to be, it is also the deadliest. It has been estimated that mosquitos  transmit diseases to almost 700 million people annually resulting in 2 to 3 million deaths every year. It is the most underestimated yet dangerous animal on earth.

2. African Elephant.

African Elephant
The world’s largest land animal are elephants which can be fiercely aggressive and have been known to trample even a rhinoceros to death. They tend to  have the capability to display burst of rage and have even engaged in activities that have been interpreted as vindictive, razing entire villages in the process. Killing villagers and damaging properties in the violent or sometimes fearful act.

3. Saltwater Crocodile.

Saltwater Crocodile
Sitting at the top of its food chain the Saltwater Crocodile has been known to eat everything from a water buffalo,humans to sharks. In order to kill its food it make use of a technique called the “death roll” where it relentlessly flips its prey over and over in the water until it drowns and then comes apart. 

4. Hippopotamus.
Although hippopotamus  are mostly herbivorous, they are also highly aggressive and are widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They have been known to attack humans without provocation even to the point of destroying entire vehicles and resulting in loss of human life.
5. Blue Ringed Octopus.
Blue Ringed Octopus

About the size of a golf ball, don’t let size fool you, it carries  enough venom to kill up to  26 full grown adults and  there is NO antidote. If bitten by this small pretty looking sea creature be lucky that CPR assistance is near to help because within minutes you will be completely paralyzed and unable to breathe. Mother nature, however, shows no mercy and they will maintain their consciousness for the next few hours until the venom is neutralized by the body. This is of course assuming that, someone at the hospital, continues artificial respiration

Weird But Cool Places To Live


The reason Xuankong Si was built so high above the ground may be one of practicality – defense against marauders or protection from floods.

  The more romantic version is that the Monks were dedicated to silence and so high above the ground they might achieve this ideal.  It is said that they were forbidden to hear the barking of dog, the wailing of a child or even the sound of a rooster crowing as it welcomed the dawn.

It is now largely a tourist attraction but caretakers are said to still live in its caves and halls.


There have been several claims that Casa Do Penedo is a hoax created by a Photoshop artist but it is definitely real.

It has been featured on Portuguese television, in the British Daily Mail Newspaper and on countless architecture websites.

The closest village is Pereira which is 1.3 kilometres to the south.

 It is not a fake.

World's fastest animals found on land, sea and in the air.


Cheetha is known as the worldfastest land animal.

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. They are the only felid with non-retractable claws and pads that, by their scope, disallow gripping (thus is a reason why they cannaot climb trees very well.The cheetah, however, achieves by far the fastest land speed of any living animal—between 112 and 120 km/h (70 and 75 mph) in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m (1,600 ft), and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to over 100 km/h (62 mph) in three seconds.
Adaptations that enable the cheetah to run as fast as it does include large nostrils that allow for increased oxygen intake, and an enlarged heart and lungs that work together to circulate oxygen efficiently. During a typical chase, its respiratory rate increases from 60 to 150 breaths per minute. While running, in addition to having good traction due to its semi-retractable claws, the cheetah uses its tail as a rudder-like means of steering to allow it to make sharp turns, necessary to outflank prey animals that often make such turns to escape

The world's fastest sea animal.

Sailfish are two species of fish in the genus Istiophorus, living in warmer sections of all the oceans of the world. They are predominately blue to gray in color and have a characteristic erectile dorsal fin known as a sail, which often stretches the entire length of the back. Another notable characteristic is the elongated bill, resembling that of the swordfish and other marlins. They are therefore described as billfish in sport fishing circles.
Both species of sailfish grow quickly, reaching 1.2–1.5 metres (3 ft 10 in–4 ft 10 in) in length in a single year, and feed on the surface or at mid-depths on smaller pelagic forage fish and squid. Individuals have been clocked at speeds of up to 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph), which is the highest speed reliably reported in a fish. Generally, sailfish do not grow to more than 3 metres (9.8 ft) in length and rarely weigh over 90 kilograms (200 lb).
The sail is normally kept folded down and to the side when swimming, but it may be raised when the sailfish feels threatened or excited, making the fish appear much larger than it actually is. This tactic has also been observed during feeding, when a group of sailfish use their sails to “herd” a school of fish or squid.
Sailfish are highly prized game fish and are known for their incredible jumps. They can appear in a startling array of colors, from subdued browns and grays to vibrant purples and even silver. Their body colors are often highlighted by stripes of iridescent blue and silver dots. Sailfish can change their colors almost instantly; a change controlled by their nervous system. The sailfish can rapidly turn its body light blue with yellowish stripes when excited, confusing its prey and making capture easier, while signalling its intentions to fellow sailfish.


The worlds astest air animal.

The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head and “moustache”. The Peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 325 km/h (202 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop, making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.
The Peregrine’s breeding range includes land regions from the Arctic tundra to the tropics. It can be found nearly everywhere on Earth, except extreme polar regions, very high mountains, and most tropical rainforests; the only major ice-free landmass from which it is entirely absent is New Zealand. This makes it the world’s most widespread bird of prey.

Its amazing that these animals can go so far as to surpass the limits of any other animal or humans they are an inspiration to us all.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

One of the worlds most rare animals.

The Red Panda
The (Ailurus fulgens)is also known in some areas as the Shining Cat. Native to the Eastern Himalayas and Southwestern China. It is the sole member of it's genus Ailuirs. It's diet mainly consists of bamboo, but it is an omnivore, and eats anything the woodlands provide. It's ability to eat bamboo rests with it's strong, curved, sharp claws. A distant relative to the giant panda, there are no more than 10,000 adults left in the world, though it is protected by several countries. It's decline is blamed on loss of natural habitat, and poaching. Like the giant panda it also has a false thumb that is an extension of the wrist bone which aids tremendously in gripping things. They are typically shy creatures living a solitary life, except around mating season. Females give birth to one to four cubs usually in the spring and summer. Young pandas remain in their nest for about 90 days before venturing out on their own.
The red panda had been previously classified as a relative of the raccoon (for obvious visual reasons) in the past but was found that this was not accurate. Though greatly smaller than their distant cousins, they are indeed panda bears.